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Martial Arts: The Kids of Aikido Kenkyukai - Jamie

Q: Why do you do Aikido

Jamie: “It’s good. I get sweaty. And I make new friends.”

  • Jamie, 6
  • Student
  • AKI Los Angeles

Jamie, who began Aikido at age 5, has been training at Aikido Kenkyukai for a year and a half. She heard about Aikido through her...

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Aikido, Farming, and the Universe: Words from a Millennial, Beginner Aikido-ka

“Being engulfed in Aikido with a master from Japan will be the stepping stone I know I will need in order to get to the higher version of my BEING.”

StonesI made a conscious decision to join Lia Suzuki Sensei and her Aikido class in Santa Barbara, and the energy was amazing.  At that...

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TEENS’ PERSPECTIVE: My Year on Leadership Team

“During this time I learned how to be a bigger part of the dojo, but more importantly, how to teach. I was very scared, because I didn’t think I was ready. But I tried, and succeeded.”

The following is from one of our youth members. As a member of the Teens’ Leadership...

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Martial Arts: The Kids of Aikido Kenkyukai: Kai S.

“Aikido makes me feel strong, good and helps me make new friends. I love my mommy for getting me into Aikido.”

  • Kai, 6
  • Student

Kai, who began Aikido at age 5, has been training with Chris Sensei for almost a year. Brought by his mom who heard about the...

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The People of Aikido Kenkyukai: Won (David) Choi

“Aikido’s like a puzzle I’m trying to figure out. I find it fascinating. I forget about everything else on my mind for the duration of the class. Add the fact that it’s a great work out, by the end of class I feel pretty relaxed and refreshed, mentally and...

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NEWS: AKI UK, by Nick Barnett


My aikido journey started with AKI in Australia with Steve-sensei and continued in Japan with senseis Murase, Yass, Chris and Otsuka. It was a transformative experience that expanded my self-awareness and opened me up to a new level of trust in myself and others.

The AKI philosophy...

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📜 NEWS: AKI PA Update by Gene Buryakovsky

“I have gotten in the best shape I’ve been in over ten years, and it feels great. I love Aikido and want to train seriously more than ever”

It is really great to have Matt Sensei back in PA and teaching classes again! With our current training I have gotten in the best...

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Roll-A-Thon Results, December 2016
Ruben 133 rolls 502 cuts 0 donors $0
Julio 130 rolls 502 cuts 0 donors $0
Elishai 148 rolls 502 cuts 5 donors $195
Jamie 74 rolls 502 cuts 6 donors $100
Diego 123 rolls 502 cuts 0 donors $0
Charlie 45 rolls 260 cuts 0 donors $0

Help these kids...

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The People of Aikido Kenkyukai: Ellis Bahl

“I did Aikido for a few months in High School…Once I started training I got the bug and always knew that if I ever got back into martial arts, Aikido would be the one.”

  • Ellis Bahl, 28
  • Film Director
  • AKI Los Angeles

It took Ellis years of searching before he finally...

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📜 NEWS: AKI Pennsylvania Update, by Matt Bridi

“We intend to create a space where we can host visiting instructors like years past, and our members are very excited about this prospect.”


For the AKI Pennsylvania dojo 2016 has been a year of many changes, as we have had an increase in membership due to two AKI California...

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The Teens of Aikido Kenkyukai: Elishai Shapiro

“If you do Aikido, it takes away the stress of homework.”

  • Elishai Shapiro, 12
  • Student
  • AKI Los Angeles

Elishai, who began Aikido at age 9, has been training with Suzuki Sensei for 3 years. He wanted to try martial arts and then some friends who were training at the dojo, told...

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✳ The Teens of Aikido Kenkyukai: Kevin Coronado

“I continue Aikido because it’s fun now that I’ve gotten used to the training. I feel weird if I don’t keep doing it now. The benefits of training Aikido for me is good exercise and defense skills. Aikido is something I should stay with, and a part of me.”

  • ...
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