Aikido SummerĀ Seminar






Los Angeles, California

May 24-26, 2024

"And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer." —F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby


We are so excited to welcome you to Los Angeles to kick off the summer together!

Summer is a time for growth and new beginnings.

And so it is with our Aikido Summer Seminar, bringing together teachers and students from different backgrounds to experience Aikido and fellowship together.

Looking forward to making new friendships and deepening old ones.

See you there!

About the instructors

Hiroshi Ikeda Shihan

7th dan, Aikikai

Hiroshi Ikeda Shihan is Founder and Chief Instructor of Boulder Aikikai, in Boulder, Colorado.

He travels extensively as a guest instructor, conducting Aikido seminars at dojos around the world.

Ikeda Sensei began studying Aikido in 1968. In 1976, he moved to the United States, becoming an instructor at Sarasota Aikikai and Vice President of the Aikido Schools of Ueshiba organization.

In 1980, he founded Boulder Aikikai, and spent the following 40 years traveling extensively throughout the United States and the world, promoting Aikido’s philosophy of non-violence, peace, and self-development through constant training.

His teaching emphasizes learning and understanding Aikido with the body, specifically the concept of “chushin” or how to maintain one’s own center while breaking another’s balance.

In 2016 he joined the Aikido Shimbokukai organization as Vice President, working very closely with its Director, Lisa Tomoleoni Sensei.

hiroshi ikeda aikido

Lia SuzukiĀ Shihan

7th dan, Aikikai

Lia Suzuki Shihan is a senior student of Yoshinobu Takeda Shihan and National Director and Founder of Aikido Kenkyukai International USA. She's also the author of the book,Ā "The Teacher", from the Aiki Dialogues.

She began training Aikido in 1982 with the renowned William Gleason Sensei. Then, for nearly 10 years, she lived and trained intensively under Takeda Shihan in Japan.

Suzuki Sensei's experience in Japan also gave her the opportunity to train with Doshu Moriteru Ueshiba, the late Yamaguchi Sensei, and other notable masters.

She currently is based in Los Angeles, and directly oversees several dojos in her network. Suzuki Sensei travels extensively throughout the world, teaching at dojos outside of her affiliation, as well. She has taught in Berlin, Helsinki, Shanghai, New York City, and other cities around the world.

Suzuki Sensei's classes are activeĀ but meditative, and fun but intense. They focus on connection, posture and exploration. She encourages each individual participant to create their own Aikido, suited to their own body and temperament.

Her mission is to foster inclusion in the Aikido world and to increase Aikidoā€™s popularity among youth and those in their 20's and 30's.

Greg AngusĀ Sensei

6th dan, Aikikai

Greg Angus Sensei is a roku dan (6th-degree black belt) and chief instructor at Naka Ima Aikikai. Greg Sensei has practiced martial arts for over 45 years and is also a yondan (4th-degree black belt) in karate.

At 13, he began his martial arts training in Karate, a discipline he pursued throughout his high school and university years. In 1986, upon completing his graduate degree in Fine Arts, Greg Sensei travelled to Japan to further his Karate martial art studies. Once there, GregĀ SenseiĀ encountered Aikido and immediately began his practice at the Hombu Dojo in Tokyo. His Aikido training continued throughout his 10 years in Japan, primarily under the direction of Endo Shihan.

Greg Sensei is an active participant in the Aikido community of Toronto and Canada, and teaches at seminars in North America and Europe. As a deshi of Endo Shihan, Greg Sensei hosts an annual Aikido seminar that is conducted by his teacher in Toronto, with participants attending from all over North America. Off the mat, Greg Sensei works as an artist whose paintings have been exhibited both locally and internationally.



May 24-26, 2024

  • Friday:
    • 6:00pm - 8:00pm
    • Dinner: Pizza party in the dojo (by donation)
  • Saturday
    • 10:00am - 1:00pm
    • 1:00pm - 3:30pm: Lunch (included)
    • 3:30pm - 5:30pm
  • Sunday:
    • 10:00am -1:00pm

What people are saying...

"First of all, just a great big thank you! Your hospitality was very much appreciated. The dinners and lunch were fun. And thanks for including my wife and allowing her to watch. All of us from Aikido Ai had a great time.

It was great reconnecting with Ikeda Sensei. And it was great meeting and training with you and Angus Sensei. I particularly enjoyed your classes. I love your enthusiasm and creativity. It was inspiring!

Thanks again and hope to see and train with you soon."

Jason Oxman
Aikido Ai Whittier, CA

"One element that really stuck with me was continuing to lead with center, connect, and move with that connection. I valued using the shoto to demonstrate open hand techniques and feel the extension.Ā 

As a student, I feel more confident going into an attack with energy and trust in my ukemi. I also notice more spirals in the techniques that help stretch out uke, and the importance of bending my knees and using the ground as a resource, connection point and ally."

Cam, Petaluma, California

"As a zoom participant having the Aikidoka being seated during instruction was super helpful, thanks šŸ‘

As I am in Germany during the seminar I had limited time for parts of the seminar.

Happy to see Vince sensei in his last class as he is always upbeat and has his special delivery style I really enjoy. Loved his principle delivery and the suggestion to use verbal communication with the movement... especially since I am an auditory learner. Great šŸ‘

Lia sensei was cool with the absence of the heavy hands often found from ikkyo movement. The drop of the server is a good idea to incorporate... thank you šŸ’•

Ikeda Sensei was delightful as always šŸ’• simple, unique and not easy to put in the body, but so worth continuing practice!

Thank you for the service you offered to the Aikidoka community!"

Suzanne Rudiger, Germany

"Thanks again for the wonderful seminar!

It was especially interesting to do some things we had done on Zoom during the pandemic lockdowns, now with real partners.

I think everybody enjoyed it and hopefully this will be repeated next year."

Thomas Petry, Germany


(Super Early Registration)


$35 Savings + Super Early Registration Gift until March 23!

Enter codeĀ SUMMER-SEM-SUPER-EARLY-2024Ā at checkout to get the special Super Early Registration deal.

Super Early Registration Gift: 1 month free Remote Membership to Aikido Kenkyukai Los Angeles, withĀ Lia Suzuki Sensei.Ā ($30 value)

Register Now For All 3 Days

Super Early Registration ends in...










FULL SEMINAR: All 3 Days (Early Registration)


After April 20, price increases to $200!

Enter codeĀ SUMMER-SEMINAR-2024Ā at checkout to get the special Early Registration discount.Ā 

Register Now For All 3 Days

Early Registration ends in...










Registration for in-person attendance closes Friday, May 18, 2022 at 11:59pm PST.

After that, registration will be limited to remote attendance via Zoom only.



Register Now For All 3 Days

In-Person Registration ends in...









Friday Only: $65


Saturday Only: $120


Sunday Only: $65










Notification List

Registration opens in 2025. Would you like us to notify you?

Thank you for your interest in our Aikido Summer Seminar in Los Angeles! Registration will be opening soon. You can get on the Pre-Registration List if you'd like and we'll be sure to notify you as soon as we open the doors.

Get On The Notification List

What people are saying...

"The dojo where I am training now has a lot of beginners, so I am very focused on how to help them understand the principles behind our techniques, and also to avoid the mistakes I have made myself and have had to unlearn. All of the classes I watched showed practical, inspiring ways to do this.

I am grateful to you and the membership of your dojo for all of the work you did to make this event happen.

All the best."

Chris Scarpinatto, Brazil

"Thank you for the seminar and for offering this possibility to “be there” and learn.

I enjoyed how you as the Senseis created a continuum of exploration on the mat, almost taking over where the previous Sensei was teaching, giving insights into elements of shoto, connection and momentum."

Lydia Marti Fleury, Germany

"Doumo Arigato!

Thank you very much Lia Sensei, Ikeda Sensei, & Greg Sensei!

I've undoubtedly gained a lot of invaluable insights from this Seminar!
Including (but not limited to):

  • learning to fix my gaze
  • the value of staying within the center-line
  • the importance of maintaining connection by responding & inviting

I especially thank you Lia Sensei for the Jo which is unlike any other Jo I've trained with!

I'm grateful for the opportunity & connecting with so many new Aikidoka!

Arigatou Gozaimasu!"

Jeremiah Herrera, Arizona

Remote attendance

We'll have Zoom running forĀ all classes for those who cannot attend in person.

VIRTUAL All-Access Pass

$55 => $33

Enter code SUMMER-SEM-SUPER-EARLY-2024 at checkout.

Classes will be geared towards our in-person participants, but you can join us remotely at any time throughout the entire 3 days with our VIRTUAL All-Access Pass!

Super early registration ends at 11:59pm PST, March 23, 2024!

Super Early Registration Gift:Ā 1 month freeĀ Remote Membership to Aikido Kenkyukai Los Angeles, withĀ Lia Suzuki Sensei.Ā ($30 value)

Purchase the VIRTUAL All-Access Pass

Super Early Registration ends in...









Remote attendance

We'll have Zoom running for all classes for those who cannot attend in person.

VIRTUAL All-Access Pass

$55 => $33

Enter code SUMMER-SEMINAR-2024 at checkout.

Early registration ends at 11:59pm PST, April 20, 2024!

Classes will be geared towards our in-person participants, but you can join us remotely at any time throughout the entire 3 days with our VIRTUAL All-Access Pass!

Purchase the VIRTUAL All-Access Pass

Early Registration ends in...









Remote attendance

We'll have Zoom running for all classes for those who cannot attend in person.

VIRTUAL All-Access Pass


Join us remotely from around the globe!

Classes will be geared towards our in-person participants, but you can join us remotely at any time throughout the entire 3 days with our VIRTUAL All-Access Pass!

Purchase the VIRTUAL All-Access Pass

Seminar closes in...