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Martial Arts: The Kids of Aikido Kenkyukai - Kai T.
  • Kai, 5
  • Student
  • Aikido Kenkyukai Los Angeles

Kai began Aikido when he was 4 years old at AKI Los Angeles. When we’re not permitted to have in-person classes, he attends Aikido classes on our Virtual Dojo via Zoom.

He says he was nervous and scared his first couple classes, but as he...

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Martial Arts: The Kids of Aikido Kenkyukai - Jamie

Q: Why do you do Aikido

Jamie: “It’s good. I get sweaty. And I make new friends.”

  • Jamie, 6
  • Student
  • AKI Los Angeles

Jamie, who began Aikido at age 5, has been training at Aikido Kenkyukai for a year and a half. She heard about Aikido through her...

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Martial Arts: The Kids of Aikido Kenkyukai: Kai S.

“Aikido makes me feel strong, good and helps me make new friends. I love my mommy for getting me into Aikido.”

  • Kai, 6
  • Student

Kai, who began Aikido at age 5, has been training with Chris Sensei for almost a year. Brought by his mom who heard about the...

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Roll-A-Thon Results, December 2016
Ruben 133 rolls 502 cuts 0 donors $0
Julio 130 rolls 502 cuts 0 donors $0
Elishai 148 rolls 502 cuts 5 donors $195
Jamie 74 rolls 502 cuts 6 donors $100
Diego 123 rolls 502 cuts 0 donors $0
Charlie 45 rolls 260 cuts 0 donors $0

Help these kids...

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Top Ten Benefits of Martial Arts Training for Kids

We came across a post about the Martial Arts Benefits For Kids from Gary Small Sensei via a blog by Ken Myers that we think is worth sharing. From a parent’s perspective, it maps out key benefits of martial arts training for kids.

In his blog post, Myers begins:

“In a culture...

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