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Teens Perspective: Why I continue training ā€“ Kevin Coronado

[Note: This interview was done a few years ago. As of 2022, Kevin still trains and even earned the opportunity to accompany Suzuki Sensei on a training trip to Japan when he was 17! The photo is from a visit to the giant Buddha in Kamakura, Japan.]

“I continue Aikido because it’s fun...

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Teens Leadership Team: The Fun In Aikido

By: Diego Perrudin

Aikido has been one of the best learning experiences.

At first I was just looking for a sport to do because I had too much energy and my mom recommended martial arts. She looked up different martial arts and found that Aikido would be a great choice. We checked around us and we...

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TEENSā€™ PERSPECTIVE: My Year on Leadership Team

“During this time I learned how to be a bigger part of the dojo, but more importantly, how to teach. I was very scared, because I didn’t think I was ready. But I tried, and succeeded.”

The following is from one of our youth members. As a member of the Teens’ Leadership...

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