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Teens Perspective: Why I continue training – Kevin Coronado

aikido leadership martial arts teens Jul 27, 2020

[Note: This interview was done a few years ago. As of 2022, Kevin still trains and even earned the opportunity to accompany Suzuki Sensei on a training trip to Japan when he was 17! The photo is from a visit to the giant Buddha in Kamakura, Japan.]

“I continue Aikido because it’s fun now that I’ve gotten used to the training. I feel weird if I don’t keep doing it now. The benefits of training Aikido for me is good exercise and defense skills. Aikido is something I should stay with, and a part of me.”

  • Kevin Coronado, 14
  • Student
  • AKI Los Angeles

Kevin, who began Aikido at age 11, has been training with Suzuki Sensei for 3 years. Brought by his parents who heard about the dojo through word of mouth, Kevin joined because it looked fun.

At his first class, he admits that he was nervous because he didn’t know anybody. Not only did Kevin successfully integrate, but after about 1 year of exemplary attendance and effort, he was nominated to the Teens Leadership Team. He has now served 2 years.

With the elevated status of Leadership Team member, comes increased responsibility. He is required to attend a minimum number of youth classes and adult classes per week, volunteer at seminars and fundraisers, apprentice under a senior teacher to learn teaching technique and overall, set an example for the other youth to aspire to. (More on Leadership Team in another article.)

Apart from training, Kevin attends La Colina Jr. High School and enjoys drawing and playing instruments.

When asked what his life would be like with no Aikido, Kevin replied, “I would just be a lazy kid doing nothing but watching TV and playing video games.”

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