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Kenshusei Deshi Program: Now accepting applications

aikido deshi kenshusei lia suzuki uchi deshi Jun 01, 2022

We are now accepting applications for our "Kenshusei Immersive Apprentice Program in Los Angeles, California with Lia Suzuki Sensei"!

Message from Suzuki Sensei:

If you would like to deepen your practice and become a professional Aikido instructor someday or simply reach the level of skill and understanding of a professional instructor, I'd like to invite you to apply for the program.

Many of my students often ask how they can deepen their understanding of Aikido and accelerate their progress. I created this program in response to this need.

Here's what you'll get:

  • Minimum 5 training days per week
  • Accelerated progress
  • Deeper understanding
  • Teacher Training
  • Training in the day-to-day business operations of running a dojo
  • Travel: Possible "otomo" opportunities

 Here's what you can expect from me.

  • My total commitment to your development and success.
  • Access to my knowledge and experience of 40+ years of Aikido.
  • One monthly 1-on-1 interview with me (30 min. session).
  • A direct “Whatsapp” backchannel with me for quick questions.
  • BONUS: Access to ALL my online training programs – MASSIVE VALUE!

If you'd like to deepen your understanding of Aikido and accelerate your progress, then click here to check out the full details of my "Kenshusei Immersive Apprentice Program".

Submit your application and book your discovery call with me today!

Looking forward to training together soon!

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Lia Suzuki

Director / Chief Instructor

Aikido Kenkyukai International USA

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