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Aikido, Farming, and the Universe: Words from a Millennial, Beginner Aikido-ka

aikido martial arts Apr 20, 2017

“Being engulfed in Aikido with a master from Japan will be the stepping stone I know I will need in order to get to the higher version of my BEING.”

StonesI made a conscious decision to join Lia Suzuki Sensei and her Aikido class in Santa Barbara, and the energy was amazing.  At that time, I was overcoming some money obstacles so I was not able to live in Santa Barbara anymore. Even though I was only able to stay for two classes I really feel like I found a life long friend and trainer/teacher! I am currently farming in Hawaii right now and am going to Japan to do farming as well as Aikido, Sensei was kind enough to refer me to a trainer in Japan which got me pumped up! I love the Japanese as well as the Chinese culture. So being engulfed in Aikido with a master from Japan will be the stepping stone I know I will need in order to get to the higher version of my BEING.

“Aikido to me is a universal language that can be implemented in our daily lives. The experience I will gain and the wisdom I will share is infinite.”

Learning as much as I could from the two days, I felt the passion emanate from Sensei and how Aikido is more of a LIFESTYLE..!  From what I have learned in class, Aikido is all about how you move your body, how to… go with the flow. And in learning that, throughout my days on this farm I remind myself to use my whole core rather then just my arms. My first lesson, that I remember, was not to put my energy in my biceps but more so in my CORE, the gratitude was instant. But I took that information a little bit deeper into reality, like I said, Aikido is a lifestyle, going with the flow is a lifestyle. If I go with the flow… I put less work in, less stress in, and make more room for focus and confidence.

“Your body does not define you as a person so keep the limitlessness of the universe with your dreams and passions and you will find ABUNDANCE.”

The fact that I will be doing Aikido in Japan will give me a boost in skill and confidence prior to me going back to the Dojo with Sensei! MEETING Sensei and making that conscious decision to go out and try Aikido for the first time was and is life changing. I highly recommend starting a class with Sensei and just starting Aikido in general. Aikido to me is a universal language that can be implemented in our daily lives. The experience I will gain and the wisdom I will share is infinite. One thing I try to inspire people to do is to keep the positive energy flowing and stay on your own unique path to freedom.

universeAlways remember that YOU are the primordial life force that’s flowing through the capsule you call, “body”. Your body does not define you as a person so keep the limitlessness of the universe with your dreams and passions and you will find ABUNDANCE.

THANK YOU Sensei for giving me this opportunity to be a part of a family and lifestyle.

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